Saturday, October 5, 2013

What's your MOTIVATION??

  In order to be a successful on this journey you must have motivation. My family is very supportive. Where I get my drive to keep going actually comes from social media. I know sounds crazy right but its TRUE.. To be specific INSTAGRAM & PINTEREST!! There are amazing people on Instagram not just weirdo's taking random pictures hoping you like them.. Some people have great ideas, meals, workouts, and before & after pictures. That's enough motivation to drive a crazy woman sane!! If you ever need anything I am quite sure you can find it on Pinterest. They have EVERYTHING!! Also I would gladly be your virtual journey buddy!! We are in this together. Summertime fine is only a workout & healthy meal away.. So here's my journey results so far. I started out at 411 pounds which felt like more than that. I am currently down to 399 pounds. Every little bit counts and will make big results. I like to do lean shakes from GNC with fruit for breakfast & dinner. I do have a one day every now and then that I just relax and reward myself but I don't over indulge. For lunch I might have something like shrimp & broccoli (instagram buddy idea), chicken wraps, salad or something that is healthy. Oh yeah I drink PLENTY OF WATER!! I like to mix it up so I look up a lot of recipes so I don't become bored with my healthy eating. The hardest part of this journey is mental. I just recently started exercising by myself. At first I didn't want to go if I didn't have a partner. Well now I grab my headphones, sauna suit, and water and exercise. For me it has become a relaxing time to turn my music up as I shed these pounds. Days I crave the junk I tell myself that is not helping me to Summertime fine. My ultimate goal is to be healthy and happy!

Here is a couple people on INSTAGRAM that have inspired me:

These are just to name a few go ahead and follow these amazing people on Instagram.
Pictures used are found on Pinterest.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Trying to Bring Sexy Back!!!

     Actually I don't think I ever lost sexy if I never had it to begin with. LOL I think I should say trying to get Summertime Fine. Well for those of you in the same boat, you KNOW  this journey is no where near easy, but it's worth it. I have been overweight all my life even as a toddler (oh but it was cute then)... Recently a voice popped into my head saying A CHANGE IS GOING TO COME..(but then I woke up and realized Pandora was still playing) Or maybe that voice was me getting pissed off at never finding anything in the store. Really seriously have you looked at the plus size clothing rack lately. Most of the clothes look like WTF(where's the fashion)??!!  The clothes are passed expensive, made cheap, or just plain ugly(what I like to call coffin clothes). Well not even coffin clothes, I would not even be caught DEAD...DEAD I TELL YOU IN THOSE... I just got tired of having to go to "Special Store" to find something to wear. So this is how I ended up on this journey. Hopefully I can shed some light (& some pounds) to the reality of this journey with a laugh or two. So feel free to join to with me on my journey.....

    Some days I get up and think to myself these feet of mine are not made for walking not today (and I hear my knees saying AMEN FEETS) Yep I don't care how much your motivated you will have some of these days. Days where you want to throw a temper tantrum like a kid on a toy aisle who is clearly not getting their way...Wait I have thrown a tantrum in the bed kicking and pleading with myself...Not today! Not today! But then I hear my Aunt coming upstairs with that special white jacket with the sleeves that tie in the back LOL!! But I dragged all this sexiness out of the bed to pursue this journey and call the Other Aunt aka WALKING GURU BKA BOUT TO KILL YOU BUT YOU SHOOOO GONE LOOK GOOD AT YOUR FUNERAL.. So whatever you may feel like just remember somebody has got to be missing some SEXY cause you have all of it.... Yep be confident in yourself BIG or SMALL if you believe in you who cares who doesn't....

-Stop Eating Xtra Yummies